Legal notice and privacy
1. Purpose and acceptance
In the present legal notice it is control the use of the website placed in Plaça dels Sants Màrtirs, nº14. 08500 Vic (Osona). Phone: 938.893.034 and email address Surfing through this website the user assume the full acceptance, without reservations of all and every provision of this legal notice; which can maybe suffer some modification and CASA RIERA ORDEIX reserves its rights to do it and update it.
It is liable party for the user to make a correct use of the website in accordance with the Public Order in the present legal notice. Furthermore, the user will be held liable by CASA RIERA ORDEIX or third party from any damage or prejudice that can cause a breach of the law.
2. Legal information and privacy policy
For the purposes of the pursuant to the provisions of the Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the protection of Personal Data and the Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services information Society and Electronic commerce, the owner of this website CASA RIERA ORDEIX informs to the user about the Personal Data Protection Policy, with the aim that it is the user who decides voluntarily if you wish to provide Personal Information only applied to provide the services of the website.
The Privacy Policy establishes that CASA RIERA ORDEIX, use and protect any information that you have given for the use of the website. In addition, it is inform to the user that this Personal information will be add in a file being CASA RIERA ORDEIX the responsible to do an automatic treating of this file with the aim to manage the contractual relation with the user.
Information needed:
· Name and payment
· Contract information, email address included.
· Demographic information, post office box, priorities and interests.
· Other important information to do surveys to our customers.
To offer a good service, to be able to process your offer and get to the payment it is needed your personal information. Moreover, CASA RIERA ORDEIX will sent e-mails in order to inform about our products and to know your opinion to improve our products and services.
3. User obligation
It is considered necessary to fill the form with all the personal information required. In the case that the user does not fill all the personal information, CASA RIERA ORDEIX will be able to deny the service.
It is mandatory to fill the forms with true, real, accurate, complete and actual personal information being the user the responsible of damage and prejudice that can arise the faulty filling of forms with false, incompletes, inaccurate and outdate personal information.
It is not allow to the user selling our products to others.
Likewise, the user agrees to do an accurate use of the services of CASA RIERA ORDEIX and the user will NOT use it for the following reasons:
- Spread criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, abusive content contrary to law and/or public order.
- To introduce informatics virus to the network or make accusations likely to modify, damage, break or generate errors or damage electronic documents, data or physical and logical systems to CASA RIERA ORDEIX of third party.
- Trying to access to other user’s email accounts or restricted areas system informatics.
- To violate the intellectual or individual property’s rights.
- To supplant another government user’s identity or a third party.
- Do not reproduce copy, distribute, or communicate personal information of other person, neither to transform nor modify the contents unless they have liberty from the copyright holder.
- Ask for personal information with the aim to give advertising purposes and to send any kind of publicity and communications for the purpose of sale or other tools of commercial nature.
4. CASA RIERA ORDEIX online shop’s responsibility
CASA RIERA ORDEIX promises to give all the needed information to the user with the aim to develop a good service. Furthermore, CASA RIERA ORDEIX compromises to delivery of orders usually applied by the user in time and in good condition.
5. Sales conditions and order return
CASA RIERA ORDEIX will refund orders placed and delivered as long as this is returned not further than the first 3 days including the day of delivery. To process the refund the customer must fulfill the conditions required by the Law 47/2002, which regulates the organization of trade. So, CASA RIERA ORDEIX just accepts the returns, which are previously authorized in writing, apply and authorized, the customer must contact previously with and once approved it, will indicated the shipping address and the conditions for accepting the return.
The return of the product will not be accepted if it is not returned with original package, protected and in a perfect condition. If the product does not arrive to our facilities in the following 3 days after the acceptance of return the product will not be accepted.
Once the order it is return and it is checked it, CASA RIERA ORDEIX will proceed to refund. CASA RIERA ORDEIX reserves all rights to pay a lower quantity if the material does not arrive in perfect condition. However, the cost of the transport will be charged to the costumer.
6. Prices and payment
The product prices offered in CASA RIERA ORDEIX website are expressed in euros.
CASA RIERA ORDEIX accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express.
7. Transport
The cost of transport will vary depending on the destination where the product will be delivered, other factors taking into account is the weight.
So, it is not include to the transport the cost and impost destination taxes either, so being the customer responsible to pay it by cash to receive the products.
It includes transport and Insurance.
Therefore, the customer is liable for all costs and import taxes to generate target.
CASA RIERA ORDEIX will try to send the order in the shortest time that is possible. However, the customer must keep in mind that depending on the destination it will take more or less time, and thus being without its responsibility of CASA RIERA ORDEIX.
CASA RIERA ORDEIX is not liable for effects that can cause strikes, armed conflicts, metal, and/or others circumstances beyond its control.
In addition, CASA RIERA ORDEIX is free of liability for delays in customs clearance and if the authorities decide to requisition of any item.
8. Costumer
For any questions, suggestion, claim or any other questions about our online store, please contact to our Customer Service:
· E-mail:
· Telephone: 938.893.034
9. Cookies
CASA RIERA ORDEIX keeps the right to use cookies during the service in order to make easy the navigation and recharge your preferences. Cookies are used to collect information of the user to know its preferences while it’s visiting a specific website in order to customize their experience. Thus, in these cases the cookies stored on your computer's hard drive until you delete them.
The acceptance of this legal notice mean that the user knows its terms and conditions, and the customer promises to obey them. Therefore, it is only the user responsibility to know the terms and conditions at the time of the buying process. Therefore, it is desirable that before starting the shop in our store, users read carefully the Terms of Use.